dunno y tis few day i like to capture capture~XD
take the camera n capture it~
i capture my phone~
u all guess how many years i use it??!
2 years?3 years??
is 5 years~!!!
the end of 2006 till now still using~!!
n when i start using it~it already wan "die" d~
coz my "bai ka zai" mia bro use till same like a piece of rubbish!!==
wan buy a new 1~
but hor~
when 2009 my babe say wan buy new 1 for me but now still din buy for me ko==
juz a lie~==
see my phone~
still nice?@@
my dog turn~
show my dog~
when it finish cut hair~
cut izit??!
my mom cut it~
although got many hole on my dog body~XDD
poor guy~poor face~always show tis face for me when i eating==

nowdays alwalys rain~
3++ start rain till 6 or 7++ thn baru stop~
outside my house~
poor cat~sit neighbour car come my here~
no ppl dare to feed it~or mayb dunno the cat at here==
it hide under my neighbour car at neighbour work place come till here~
poor cat~
always meow~meow~meow~~
now alrdy gone d~
dunno is walk away jor or die jor?!!==
20/3/2011~the nite after supper moon~
nice view?
i juz buy two little hamster~
so cute~!!
hmmm~i think 1 of them is 3 month big n another 1 is 4 month big alrdy~
4 month d is mom d~3 month d is mine d~XD
tis 1 is mom d~XD
big n small~XD
I'm so happy n scare oso~
coz i long long time din adop hamster d~
i think bout 6-7 years d~==
tat y i scare~n i scare it bite me oso~XD
coz reli pain==
hope dun bite me~~
tis is my two days d blog~
compare into 1~coz lazt separete into 2 blog d~
n all bout same thing~
Hmmm~i hope i can get a camera~
not normal d~
is like photograph mia camera~
but i think is hard to get it lar~
now juz wait wait n wait~
all i nid to do juz wait~~~~~~~~~~
hope everyday can ALWAYS PEACE~!!
Coz i love peace~peace~peace~
I love star oso lar~XD
Peace Always=]
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